Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Primal Health Coach 

Meet Roxanne!

Roxanne is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Primal Health Coach, wife and mom.

Roxanne has a background in Psychology, which really sets the groundwork and foundation for all of her coaching and consulting. She has been working with clients since 2018 as a certified Primal Health Coach focusing on natural weight loss coaching, anti-nflammatory living, mindset shifts, and habit changes. Her driving force has always been to help her clients realize that they deserve to have a high quality life and they can make healthy choices while doing it, but it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Once Roxanne became pregnant in 2019, she had a new found fascination for prenatal nutrition and especially postpartum care. She feels there is a large gap in our system for support and guidance for new moms, which leads to nutritional deficiencies and depletions for years after birth. Which led her to pursuing a Master certification through Oh Baby School of Holistic Nutrition as a Holistic Nutrition Consultant. 

Ready to finally nourish your body?